Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Sin Khao Bune - Vermicelli Noodle Bundles

Sin Khao Bune are rice noodles that resemble a long string like spaghetti. When purchasing sin khao bune make sure the package DOES NOT READ PHO. Pho noodles are for Lao Pho - beef noodle soup and pad Thai pho noodles.

However, sin khao bune are added to many dishes:
1. Add sin khao bune in spring rolls made with rice paper.
2. Place sin khao bune into individual bowls and top with chicken curry with bamboo and long beans.
3. Toss sin khao bune with green papaya salad in a bowl before serving.

4. Make Khao Bune noodle soup - fish curry noodle soup which is fish in coconut Thai Lao curry.

Instructions on cooking sin khao bune:
1. In a large pot, add 3 inches of water and bring to boil.
2. Add dry sin khao bune noodles and cook based on time described in the package.
3. When noodles are cooked, remove from heat and run cold water into pot while draining hot water.
4. Fill cold water into pot.
5. Dip hand into pot and use thumb, pointer and middle fingers to grab about 1/2 cup of noodles.
6. Wrap hanging noodles around pointer and middle fingers to make a bundle.
7. Let noodle drain in a colander for bundles to set and hold their shape.
8. Lightly cover noodle bundles with plastic wrap to keep from drying.

Thai Lao Steam Bun

Here is the traditional Thai Lao Steam bun recipe filled with pork, egg, mushrooms, and sweet sausages. I make steam buns on weekends; then I freeze the buns in containers. I would thaw in the fridge overnight and warm in the microwave for 20 seconds. This makes a quick breakfast on the go and I take them to work as a delicious alternative to sandwiches.

Appetizer Recipe: Thai Lao Steam Bun
1 package of steam bun mix. Look for steam bun picture to make sure you have the right package
½ cup sugar
1 cup fresh soy milk
1 tablespoon oil
12 quail eggs or 3 chicken eggs
2 Asian sweet sausages
1 cup ground pork
2 dried shiitake mushrooms soaked in hot water for 20 minutes
2 shallots minced
1 clove garlic minced
½ teaspoon salt
½ teaspoon pepper
2 tablespoons oyster sauce or hoisin sauce
12 wax paper cut into 2 inches square
2 tablespoons white vinegar

There should be directions on the package of the steam bun. However here are the basic steps:

1. For the Dough - mix the package with fresh soy milk, sugar and oil. Knead dough for 5 minutes. Leave dough aside for 20 minutes. Knead again for 2 minutes and divide dough into 12 equal balls.

2. For Pork Filling - boil quail eggs for 15 minutes or chicken eggs for 20 minutes. Cut large eggs in quarters. Cut sweet sausages into 12 pieces or into very small pieces. For pork filling, add chopped garlic, shallots and mushrooms, salt, pepper, and oyster sauce.

3. Putting it together - Sprinkle flour onto hard surface and roll dough out into a large circle slightly larger than palm of hand. Add eggs, sausages and 1 tablespoon of pork filling. Gather opposite edges and meet in the middle. Pinch dough to seal out any small air holes. Place wax paper under base of steam bun. Place six buns in each stainless steel steaming layer.

4. Add water into steaming pot so it levels 2 inches. Add vinegar and bring water to boil. Add steaming layers with bun over the steaming pot. Steam bun 10 minutes. Lift lid of steamer to remove condensation. Steam another 10 minutes.